Remedy to increase eyesight

 Remedy to increase eyesight 

Our eyes are the most important and attractive part of the body. The importance of beautiful eyes is as long as the light of the eyes is good otherwise the thick strapped glasses on your beautiful eyes will eclipse your beauty or you will have to face the problems of installing lenses.


Remedy to increase eyesight
Remedy to increase eyesight

Let us know which native remedies can be adopted to increase the light of the eyes and remove the glasses.

1. Neti treatment with the help of a yoga teacher increases the light of the eyes and removes the glasses.

2. After getting up in the morning, apply saliva in the eyes like kajal in the eyes, if small children have glasses on their eyes, then they will get quick benefit from this remedy but the elders may take some time but there is a benefit.


Remedy to increase eyesight
Remedy to increase eyesight

3. Saliva of the mouth is beneficial in 24 hours after applying in diseases like conjunctivitis.

4. Mouth saliva is also helpful in removing squint of eyes.

5. Regular drinking of saffron tea increases the light of the eyes and removes the glasses.

6. In skin diseases such as psoriasis or ringworm, mouth saliva can also be used.

7. Gowmutra of a native cow is removed from the eye glasses by pouring one drop into the eyes every day.

8. Cataracts are cured by putting cow urine in the eyes daily.

9. Make almonds, fennel seeds and sugar candy in equal quantity by coaxing them and storing them in a glass utensil.


Remedy to increase eyesight
Remedy to increase eyesight

Now, before taking 10 grams of gold in a daily night with 250 grams of milk of a native cow for 40 days, the light of the eyes increases and there is no need of glasses.

Cut the amount in half to small children and do not eat / drink at least 2 hours after consuming this churna. Brain weakness is also cured with this experiment.

suyash singh

Hello Friends, Myself Suyash Singh.I am Indian blogger I like to write articles. My website or blog name Global Anmol Gyan. I live in Maharashtra and I have done full course of Blogging.

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